Everglades National Park
Market Supported
Everglades National Park, Dade County, Florida
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Jacksonville District
Time Frame
Everglades National Park 8.5 Square Mile Area (SMA) Pump Station S-357 Modified Water Deliveries
Main Project Tasks
Degrove is required to perform pre, post, and check Construction Survey for Contract W912EP-05-C-0042, 8.5-square-mile-area (SMA), Pump Station S-357, Modified Water Deliveries to Everglades National Park, Dade County, Florida, and furnish CAD data.
This project had a construction cost of approximately $20 million.
The purpose of this survey is to provide support to the area engineer for construction measurement and payment.
During the course of this project, our duties include pre-and post-surveys of five miles of canals and 14 miles of levee stockpiles, and topographic surveys of approximately 500 acres.
We are on-call and have responded within 48 hours when required. This project has been ongoing since 2006.
Degrove utilizes a wide range of equipment to efficiently complete the work. Most of the topographic data has been acquired utilizing our Real-Time Kinematic GPS system. To obtain accurate canal data, we used a tag line to maintain a straight line and again used RTK GPS to acquire the elevations and positions. The project was mapped using Microstation and Inroads.